Mercedes OM 642.960 Engine for Sale, Reconditioned and Used Engines

Nissan Navara Engine

OM 642.960 Engine Detail

Average Price : £ 6897.82 Incl.VAT

  • Engine Code:
  • OM 642.960
  • in stock
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Condition :Remanufactured

a fully reconditioned engine block


Engine Fuel Diesel Engine Layout V
Engine Actual CC 2987 cc Engine Size 1.6
Engine Valves 24 Engine Cylinders 6
Engine Horse Power 224 HP Engine Power Kilo Watt 165 kW
Engine Fuel Supply Direct Injection Engine Code OM 642.960
Engine Camshaft Drive Engine Charge Turbo/Intercooler

Buy Supreme Quality OM 642.960 Engines for your Mercedes-Benz

This Mercedes-Benz OM 642.960 Engine is diesel based with 2.1 litre and power of 190 horsepower with 140 KW. This gigantic engine thrives well in all challenging terrains and situations. Being the product of Mercedes-Benz, the supreme fuel efficiency is given to make it environmental friendly.

The legendry Mercedes-Benz brings jointly the performance and luxury at a time to make it ever popular in the automobile market. It would be no exaggeration that it is an experience in its own right. The Mercedes-Benz OM 642.960 Engine is skillfully equipped with fuel efficiency and high performance. There oozes grandeur and legendry in it.

In a bid to have super used or reconditioned engines, we provide you the free non obligation quote. Just after receiving it from you, we instantly coordinate with the concerned sellers of used and reconditioned engines. In this way you are able to make a best deal for your engine proving our best engine comparison service.

Mercedes-Benz OM 642.960 Engine Wants Replacement

Truly speaking, like the auto markets, the online parts markets too, are swarming with substandard used engines and reconditioned engines. Be warned, stringent care should be taken in this context. You have clicked the right portal now. Ours this portal is a trusted place for those seeking quality used and recondition engines for their vehicles. We never compromise on quality. We take the painstaking care in finding your desired engine.

Common Problems with Mercedes-Benz OM 642.960 Engine

Amidst others, sometimes your Mercedes-Benz OM 642.960 Engine shows mismanagement slightly. Occasionally misfiring also occur due to negligence in up-keeping. So it would be in your own interest to be always alert and never ignore even a minor fault.

OM 642.960 Engine Fits These Models

Series Model Year Fuel Engine Size Horse Power Body Type KW  
C-Class C-Class 1993 - 2014 Diesel 1.6 224 Saloon 165 Get Free Quote
C-Class C-Class T-Model 2001 - 2014 Diesel 1.6 224 Estate 165 Get Free Quote

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